How to Monetize and Make Money From YouTube

When I checked on today, YouTube is already on 3rd place among other famous website in the world, after Google and Facebook! This is the right time for you to think “How to make money on Youtube?”

If you’ve ever wondered how to make money on YouTube, you’re not alone. Hundreds of marketers continuously look for ways to turn all their hard work in video creation into profit. If you’re one of those marketers, here are some useful, easy ways to start flipping a profit on even the smallest and seemingly simple of your videos.

Promote Your Website

YouTube for marketers started as a promotional tool. You would post a video on YouTube and then put a link in your bio or signature that would shoot directly back to your site. These videos would be designed to provide information about your niche and develop brand awareness that you can cash in on later. When learning how to make money on YouTube, this is the most common method, but is little more than a traffic generation tool.

If you decide to promote your site through YouTube, you’ll need to find a niche need that you can fill with a seminar or lecture series. You will also need to obtain recording devices to ensure higher quality sound and video.

Becoming a YouTube Partner and Get Paid for Clicks

Since Google bought YouTube, advertising has become a major part of the site, allowing you to place ads in your videos and get paid for clicks, similar to the AdSense program. To become a YouTube partner, you’ll need to submit an application and have your site approved.

After approval, however, making money is as simple as posting videos to YouTube and opting them into the partner network. When it comes to how to make money on YouTube, it doesn’t get any easier.

Gathering Email Addresses

Email marketing is one of the fundamentals of all online money making and YouTube can be a tremendously useful tool for it. While it may not be possible to place an opt-in capture form on YouTube itself, you can place a watermark on your video or a link in your bio that points to a squeeze page. When it comes down to how to make money on YouTube, this is another bridge. You won’t actually make money with your videos. However, those email addresses you gather are equally, if not more, valuable than any cash you’d make from your video as they can lead to future income.

Affiliate Marketing

If you’re learning how to make money on YouTube, affiliate marketing is a great place to start. For this method, you’ll need a simple video editing tool that will allow you to add a watermark to the videos you upload. You can create your own productions with tips and strategies in them and then pitch someone to visit a site to buy a more complete product, or you can simply take a video and re-upload it with your watermark included on it. This is the simplest method, although you should beware of any copyright violations and avoid any broadcast material.

YouTube’s New Rental Options

It hasn’t been put into place yet, but Google recently announced the new rental system they will be implementing soon. If you are a seminar giver or someone who produces multiple viral videos, prepare to be able to charge a rental fee for your viewers to see each video in your series. With production values and content volume increasing constantly, this is a fantastic money maker for anyone that has the content to sell.

YouTube has been the centrepiece of the social and viral web for most of the last five years, allowing marketers around the globe to start trying out more interactive money making strategies. It’s no longer an experimental tool, however. It’s time to learn how to make money on YouTube and use the service as a viable arm of your online business. You’ll find the profit potential unbelievably large.

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